Wall-E, or Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth Class according to his initials, is a robot that works with solar energy and cleans the earth by packing garbage in blocks. In the past he used to work with other robots like him, but in the time of the film he works alone in the Earth while the humans live in a spaceship called Axiom (there are several other spaceships for all the humanity). He has a kind of press inside his body, laser features and a voice recorder with which he plays a song called "It only takes a moment".Moreover, he is smart and has special feelings, what is shown in the fact that he collects small things (memories) like rubric cubes, because he want to become a human.
2-)How would you describe the place he lives?
Wall-E lives in the Earth. However, it is not as we know nowadays, because it has no trees, no plants and, so, no humans living in it. The fact is that in 2115, the humans had gone to live in Axiom, an operating spaceship, with the aim of returning very soon after the fleet of Wall-E's they had created cleaned the Earth. This last one was highly contaminated because of the huge quantity of waste/garbage the humans produced in the past, what converted the planet in an uninhabitable place. There are buildings made completely of packed garbage. However, that fleet wasn´t able to clean the Earth and the humans were forced to stay in the automatic spaceship for more than 700 years.
3-)Where do you think all those wastes come from?
That huge quantity of waste comes from the overconsumption of the humans that is represented with the global company Buy 'n Large (BNL). The humans were continuously consuming from this big company, which led every industrial activity in the Earth, from feeding to clothing. Even, they had the control of the governments, as we can see in some parts of the film.
4-)Where are all the humans? Why did they have to leave the Earth?
The humans are living in a spaceship called Axiom, which is lead by McCrea and a robot called AUTO. They had to leave the Earth because it was highly polluted and intoxicated, so life over there was impossible. The result of that overconsumption was the un-habitability of the Earth.
5-)What do humans look like? How has their lifestyle affected their bodies? Why?

6-)What are human relationships like?
As I said before, human relationships in the film Wall-E are based on holographic consersations with people that sometimes is just next to him. They don't see further from their hologram and everything they do, everyone they chat with and everything they see is just in the holgrams used. In fact, when Wall-E was in the train that transported EVA and he disrupted a women that was chatting with other person, we see how that women was impressed with everything she had around, and even was impressed with the pool they had in the spaceship: "We have a swimming pool"
7-)What are human-machine relationships like?
The fact that humans need machines for every activity they want to do, makes human-machine relationships very closed and dependent. Indeed, this represents the development of a style that is starting in our days and would make us in the future totally dependent on machines and electronic devices, so our lives would be very linked to robots as the movie shows. For example, if they want to have a drink, they need a machine that prepares it and other machine that carries the beverage to his hoverchair.
8-)What is the name of the company that appears in commercials throughout the movie?
The name of the company that appears in commercials is Buy ´n Large (BNL). This enterprise lead every industrial, political and economical activity and it is the biggest company of the Earth with more than 2 million subsidaries. Besides, this company has the control of all the governments and it's logo is part of each of the flags of the countries on Earth.
The name BNL appears in President´s Podium (it says "Global CEO of BNL") because the Buy and Large CEO is the President of the EEUU (fact shown in the background of the image, where it appears the logo of the White House and under it the name of the enterprise Buy and Large)
10-)What do broken robots symbolize?
The broken robots are not able to follow the lines where they should go or to follow the given instructions. This is a fact that symbolizes the people with different thoughts and unique ideas, that are very different from other members of the society. Indeed, the fact of having an independent room for that broken robots is a sign of how our society excludes everyone that has different thoughts or ideas, as it ocurred to people, for example, like Copernico and Galileo Galilei with the Heliocentric theory.
11-)Why does the computer try to avoid the humans' return to Earth?
He tried to avoid humans' return to Earth because he was the actual captain of the Spaceship, not that men called McCrea, and returning to Earth will convert robots like him in unneccesary devices, so he would disappear. In fact, as he know that the unique way of returning to Earth was to place the plant they have in a detector of the ship, AUTO(the computer) tried eliminate that plant. This is an evidence of how much power he had, as well as the scene in which we see photographs of the different captains of the spaceship where the computer was becoming bigger and bigger.
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